Graphics in CMYK format. This means virtually unlimited color can be achieved by the combination of those 4 primary colors. This would be good for those that need to have a picture reproduced as closely as possible on the Mousepad.
This is done by a dye sublimation process. Which means your graphics is printed on an offset printing press (much like a catalog or magazine sheet), using paper and special sublimation inks, and pressed onto the Mousepad.
Sublimation ink turns into gas, at a certain temperature and pressure, much like spray, and it dyes (paints) the fabric.
So the end product is an excellent resolution print quality on cloth.
This pad has a soft top and is produced with solid 1,2 or 3-colors, where full color is not necessary and shading is not present.
It is similar in concept to basic business cards where the name is in one solid color and the logo in another, etc.
The process is similar to the full color soft top pads with the exception that the paper is passed through one station per color instead of 4 (CMYK) in the case of the full color.